I strongly believe that every person, every small act, has an impact in the community and the people in that community. I have designed this Community Karma Challenge to gather people to do small acts each day. My hope is that people get in the habit of being conscious of how they can have an effect on their community and how good it feels to do good. As I worked through the logistics and layout of the Challenge I realized it is a great opportunity to do this challenge as a family, as a class, or as a team. I invite you to encourage you to be creative in how you complete this. Most importantly have fun and push yourself just a little to get outside of your comfort zone. Although I have my local community, Chatham, Ontario in mind when I put this together, this can literally be done anywhere in the world. In fact, if you have family members in another community, perhaps have some fun and challenge them to join in. The tasks are meant to be random acts. These are to be completed without conditions or expectations of any outcomes. I ask you to open your heart, have fun, and do this from a place of compassion and kindness. Together we can make a difference and make the world a better place.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app