Often times I felt lost during the transition periods of my life. I didn't know exactly what I wanted, but knew there was change coming. Changes arise without our control, becoming an empty nester for example, can leave you feeling excited on one hand, yet as though the rug has been pulled out from under your feet on the other. Transitions can make us feel out of balance, or as though we are struggling to hold onto the past, while searching for what is next. Job endings, relationship endings, illness in the family, loss of family members, retirement, all of these begin a new branch in our lives where we asked for them or not.
How do we put our best self forward during these times, while feeling out of sort? Here are some tips that my help you transition with a little less effort.
1. The first step is to accept what is happening. You may not have asked for it, but here it sits, loud and clear in your lap. A part of your life is transitioning, and you can't see the safe, secure walls you were once surrounded in. You have been thrown for a loop. You don't like how it feels. At this point your only clear option is to accept what is happening. Take a deep breath and look for how this best suites your life. Acceptance and gratitude are the first steps to allowing change to flow. When you find yourself struggling, take a step back and ask yourself, what am I trying to hold onto that doesn't fit the present? Where am I not accepting of change? The longer you hold on to the past the more struggle you will encounter.
2. Be gentle with yourself. Allow yourself to feel your feelings. Allow yourself to not have all the answers. Take care of you, that is the one thing you do have control over during transitions. Give yourself permission and time to allow life to show you your truth. Being gentle with yourself allows you to regain your balance naturally, rather than trying to force life back into place.
3. Pay close attention to what your body is telling you. Listen to your quiet voice. Notice when you are being nudged in a certain direction. As you take a step towards what you want, notice how your body responds. Notice your thinking, does it create tension in your body, or a sense of confidence and safety. All of these indicators are your intuition speaking to you. Sometimes those messages are subtle, while others are loud and clear. The more you listen, and follow your intuition, the easier the transition will be. When following inner guidance, you can walk through transitions with grace, and poise, showing up as your best self. Remember, you are not alone on this journey.
4. Although decisions are yours to make, be sure to gather information and advice from your tribe. A group of women, or men, can be your best allies during transitions. Seek out the people you want on your team. You don't have to do it alone. Allow those that are good at what they do, to do it. Accept their advise, take what you like, and leave the rest. Who has been through this before? Who do you admire for how they transitioned in this area of life? Why try to reinvent the wheel? Ask for help. Not only will this help you make the right choices for you, your friends can act as accountability coaches. I have learned that as long as someone expects me to get something done, or is watching, I am sure to get it done. The choices are yours, keep your tribe by your side.
5. Keep active and healthy. Some transitions are devastating, they bring sorrow and sadness to our days. It's important to stay as active as possible and be sure we are eating healthy meals. You will transition much easier if you are active in a healthy lifestyle. Accept the help of others in the form of meals, snacks and invites to go out. Taking a walk in nature is sure to clear away any foggy thinking. When we look after ourselves, the world helps look after our problems. Your focus should be on you, self care and self love, this brings us to our truth.
6. Take steps to clear away old energy, including old thoughts, beliefs and emotions that are no longer serving your best self. Experiment with natural therapies to assist with clearing energy. Reiki, Sound therapy, are a few I offer and are very effective. Once the old energy is cleared, your mind can better focus on what you want. You will be creating more space within for clarity and healthy energy. Journal-ling is also very therapeutic for clearing old thoughts and beliefs. What ever steps you take to clear away the past, the more clear you will become on who you are today.
7. You may choose a coach to guide you through your transition period. Be sure you trust and align with who you work with. Have a list of what you would like to achieve so you don' t feel wisked away in their high energy, or lost in the process of what they see for you. Working with a coach can be a great way to align with who you are and have to courage and clarity to take the steps that best sure your inner truth.
We can make the best out of the worst situation if we stay focused on who we are and what we want the outcome to be. I am a firm believer in everything happens for a reason, and everything is possible. We are capable of pulling up the boot straps and carrying on with great purpose, no matter the chaos that appears in front of us. Have faith in yourself, and focus on showing up as your true authentic self.